Chart Rectification And Live Events


A chart rectification service is offered as part of Cynthia Rose’s astrology sessions.

The accuracy of charts varies greatly depending on birth times. A known birth time chart is truly accurate, whereas one with an unknown birth time can be a flicker in the dark with lots of guesses. Sometimes charts have been constructed with vague birth times, such as “sometime after lunch”. Again, this affects its accuracy and clients wonder why their chart does not make much sense…

The time required to construct a chart differs greatly. When the birth time is known, it takes fewer hours, as opposed to a completely unknown birth time. If a birth time is approximate, it can take up to 8 hours to find it and rectify the chart to show it correctly.

If there is no known birth time it can easily take up to 24 hours to do the research and make the rectification thereby greatly improving the accuracy of the chart.


The investment for new clients building a chart with a known birth time as part of an Astrology session: $350.00

For returning clients who wish to have their charts updated for the coming year the investment is: $308.00

For clients who only have approximate birth times and wish to have an existing chart rectified with a known birth time, the investment is $600.00. This price includes up to 8 hours of birth time research which could take up to a week to do. This includes an update of your chart for the current year.

For clients who have no known birth times and who wish to have their charts rectified to reflect their actual birth time, the investment is $900.00. This amount includes up to 24 hours of birth time research which can easily take up to a full month.


Teaching Workshops

  • Healing and meditation. This workshop empowers your life journey.

  • The Inner journey of the self. This workshop deals with what your reasons are to live a more spiritual life; how you can use your spirituality to achieve peace and calmness. You learn how to recognize and use your intuition. You learn how to grow spiritually.

  • Mediumship. This workshop teaches you to connect with your loved ones in the spirit world. You will also learn to bring through messages for people than yourself.

Group Mediumship Readings (Public & Private)

  • Public GMR. The first type of group mediumship event brings together you and people you do not know, to bring through messages of love from passed loved ones. This is a public event.

  • Private GMR. The second type of group mediumship event is one where you and family members looking to connect with a loved one in a private setting.

Spiritual Retreats

  • In-person spiritual retreats will be available in the near future. Check back often to find out when such a retreat will take place and what it will offer you.

The price for each workshop will vary depending on a number of factors, such as location, guest speakers, etc. Please note that currently, all events take place online via Zoom or other platforms.

Sign up for the newsletter below to stay up to date on future life events, dates, and agendas. The newsletter will also announce future in-person events.

Table with notebooks and laptops showing a meeting in progress